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Thursday, February 24, 2011


The rapid decline of Agricultural growth in Orissa has worried the planning commission. According to the latest estimate of planning commission the agri growth has deaccelerated to -0.86% as compared to 2008-09 (0.14%) & 2007-08 (4.71%) As a result of which the 11th 5 yr plan of achieving a 3% agri growth rate seems far fetched .The food grain production has also shown a declining trend from 81,44,000 MT in 2007-08 to 73,93,000MT in 2008-09 Out of this foodgrain production almost 90% is contributed by paddy where the per hectre yeild is just 15.29 quintal as compared to the national yeild of 21.86 quintal per hectre Apart from the problems associated with Nature,the poor irrigation facilities have accentuated the problems further.In this scenario the State Government desire to diversify the cropping pattern from purely paddy based to other crops is desirable .The recent thrust on Maize,Mustard,pulses & oil seeds like groundnut,sunflower& sesamum would bring about the much needed flexibility.In addition to this the seed replacement ratio & marketibility are also the crucial aspects of the Agri production systems which should be taken care of at the earliest . The time has also come to review & analyse the irrigation programmes & increase the public investment in this crucial sector. Similarly concerted action need to be taken in the Animal husbandry & fishries sector which is somehow not getting the desired attention which it ought to. Given the seriousness of the situation a white paper strategising the objectives,goals & time frame wont be a bad idea either.