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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Government of India has been desperately trying to usher in diversification of multi cropping systems so that much needed flexibilty is acquired in order to increase the returns of the farmers In this context introduction of medicinal plants into the rice based farming system can provide the much needed flexibility Various medicinal plants like Brahmi,Jalbrahmi,Bhrungaraj,Bhukadamba,Kalakeshdura,Panmadhuri,Isabgol,and Bacha can be well adopted in a rice based cropping system According to the experts by adopting Brahmi only a farmer can garner a gross return of Rs 1.38 lakh per crop in addition to his kharif rice yeild The only requirement is the farmer has only to switch from Rabi season rice cultivation to Brahmi cultivationAfter harvesting of early rice in the last week of september,the preparation for Brahmi should be done If proper techniques are adopted a farmer can even manage two harvests,the first after 120 days of transplantation,and second after 90 to 100 days of the first cutting Thus it can be freed later on for paddy cultivation Brahmi are used for several ailments like disorders of brain,epilepsy,rheumatism,respiratory diseases and cardiac ailments Apart from pharmaceutical use it has also commercial use in products like hair oil,tea,health food etc This can be used in both fresh and dry form The average yeild per hectre ranges from 30000kg-40000kg In a conservative estimate after taking care of input costs like land preparation,procurement of planting materials,irrigation,drying and storing the net gain could be around a lakh of rupees Given the difficult times of rice based system with decreasing yeild and other associated problems these sort of value addition can bring in much needed flexibility in the rural economy

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